
04/16/2017 Elder's Quorum Lesson - We Look To Christ

Sunday School Lesson: President Hinckley Lesson 8  We Look To Christ As we go through this lesson consider the following questions: When did you first come to believe in Jesus Christ? How does / did your testimony in Jesus Christ help you in your life? How does your testimony in Jesus Christ help you as a priesthood holder? A father? A husband? A son? (Feel free to insert other roles here...) Can you think of an experience where your testimony in Jesus Christ pulled you through a challenging time or experience? Can you think of someone who is currently struggling in their testimony with Jesus Christ (it could even be yourself)?  How could you help that individual to strengthen their testimony in Jesus Christ? Key quotes: … Multitudes will gather on a thousand hills to welcome the dawn of the Easter day and to remind themselves of the story of the Christ, whose resurrection they will commemorate. In language both beautiful and hopeful, preachers of many faith...